Tanker - The Sounding App

Tanker - The Sounding App

von Pearson Smith

  • Kategorie: Utilities
  • Veröffentlichung: 2020-01-24
  • Aktuelle Version: 3.0.1
  • Alterseinstufung: 4+
  • Dateigröße: 12.34 MB
  • Entwickler: Pearson Smith
  • Kompatibilität: Lauffähig ab iOS 17.2 oder neuer.


Tanker brings your vessel’s sounding tables to your device enabling you to see how much volume of product is in your tank at the tube. There’s no need to wear out your sounding table pages or wait to calculate soundings at a desk. Tanker calculates soundings for you enabling you to make faster decisions during bunkering or quickly assess how much product to order. There’s two major parts to Tanker which are Sounder and Editor. In order to use the app, you must first add your sounding tables in Editor. Sounding tables can either be added manually or imported via CSV. Adding the tables are the most tedious part of the app but worth it in the end and a Cadet can do it. Once the sounding tables are added, they can easily be shared via AirDrop from tankerman to tankerman. Sounder is what Tanker is all about. Select your vessel, product and start sounding. Sounder works in Imperial or Metric Units depending on how the vessel is setup in Editor. For each tank, all you have to do is enter the sounding in feet-inches or meters-centimeters and you instantly get your volume in gallons or cubic meters. Hit Calculate and all of the volumes will be added. Interpolations are calculated if your sounding is in between two measurements. Sounder has some features to better assist… Bunkering Toggle on Bunkering mode and you’ll be able to track your bunkering process and predict how long it takes based on the volumetric flow rate. Safe Fill This goes hand in hand with Bunkering. Save Fill allows you to set a percentage of product you want and each tank will tell you what height/volume that percentage is as well as determine how much product to add in each tank without overfilling. Unit Conversions Depending on your situation, you may want to convert your volumes to another unit or unique units such as Barrels and Buckets (5 gal). Thermal Expansion If your vessel requires mass calculations, enable Thermal Expansion in Settings to see how much tons of product you have onboard. History Sounder saves your sounding history every time you calculate your total. History allows you to copy the results to your clipboard and easily paste to vessel management app..lkd./ Widgets Tanker supports Home Screen Widgets. View your last sounding made on the app in three different sizes. Small size just shows the total percentage sounded, Medium size shows the last sounding and total percentage, and Large size shows the last sounding and total percentage for vessels with more tanks. Disclaimer By downloading this app, the user is in agreement to the developer's Terms and Conditions that the developer is not responsible any error in data the user may input that could cause any mishap or miscalculation. This app is intended as an aid beside the vessels existing means of calculating soundings. It's always good to double check the sounding table data inputted into the app and results that come out. Use the app responsibly.

