SportsCombat Academy is a free training platform for martial arts athletes, coaches, and fans. Train and compete more efficiently by using notes and video to track and critique your activities, share and receive feedback from coaches and other athletes, set goals and compete virtually against other members of our shared community.
MMA, Krav Maga, BJJ, Wrestling, Judo, Sumo, Sambo, Aikdo, Boxing, Kickboxing, Muay Thai, Karate, Taek...
Health & FitnessDownload the KO Combat Academy App today to plan and schedule your classes! From this mobile App you can view all classes such Muay Thai, Kickboxing, Boxing, Wrestling, BJJ & MMA, you can sign-up for classes, view ongoing promotions, as well as view the studio’s location and contact information. You can also click through to our social pages! Optimize your time and maximize the convenience of booking classes from your device...