Download the app, signup, and book 101+ services like taxi and moto rides, food and grocery delivery, on-demand car wash, babysitter, beauticians, buy or sell homes, cars, or general items, track your family, share rides, search nearby businesses and much more. Book at-home services or schedule appointments at the provider’s location in one click! Sign-up on the app in under two minutes, create your profile, and start booking the services that you want. Stop installing a gazillion apps on your phone and kill the storage space. Install KINGX PRO 2023 and get all your day-to-day needs solved at your fingertips. Why download KINGX PRO 2023? - Book services within seconds - Get pre-estimated prices and fares - Hire trusted service providers - Track orders/rides in real-time - Save your favorites in one click How to book services? - Login with your Face ID or fingerprint - Find the service you want to book - Select your preferred online or offline payment method - Place the order or confirm the booking in one click - Live track the order/service provider - Get services/deliveries instantly - Pay for the service - Rating and review based on your experience Download the app now and join a family of millions of users around the world!